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Welcome to This Issue of the Liahona
October 2006

“Welcome to This Issue of the Liahona,” Liahona, Oct. 2006, inside front cover–1

Welcome to This Issue of the Liahona

If You Are a Recent Convert …

This magazine was prepared for you. It contains inspired and loving counsel from apostles and prophets. You will also find advice from ordinary members who have lived what you are experiencing as a new member. We hope this issue will be helpful to you now and in the future as you refer to it for information and inspiration.

You have received a spiritual witness that the Church is true, but you may find that you still have much to learn and some lifestyle changes to make. This issue can help you put those challenges into perspective and meet them successfully. You can do it because God truly is your Father and will help you succeed.

If You Are a Longtime Member …

It may seem strange to receive an issue addressed to new members. But by making you more aware of the challenges faced by new members, this issue can help you put your Church experience and gospel knowledge to use as a friend and mentor to new members.

If there’s someone you could bless by sharing this magazine or just an article or two, we encourage you to do so. Additional copies of this magazine may be obtained through your local distribution center and in the United States and Canada at www.ldscatalog.com. Check first with your ward or branch leaders; they may have already ordered extra copies and might have plans to share this magazine with that person.

If You Are a Missionary …

The articles in this magazine can strengthen recent converts and help them know what to expect as a new member. Please coordinate with ward or branch leaders as you share this issue with new members and with those who are soon to be baptized and confirmed.
—The editors