“Comment,” Liahona, Dec. 2006, 48
Christmas Presents
I was baptized with my wife and three children on September 27, 1980. When we became part of the Paniqui Philippines District, I was called to be on the district high council. As part of my calling, I visited seven branches. In each branch, I noticed that very few members had a copy of the scriptures in Tagalog. I began giving them the Liahona in Tagalog for Christmas. Even now, I still give away copies of the Liahona as Christmas presents.
Pablo M. Butolan, Philippines
The Gospel in Different Cultures
Every month I wait for the Liahona magazine to come. It is truly a light in my life. I like it very much when you publish articles about how the gospel goes to faraway places and changes people’s lives. Even in diverse cultures, people are able to accept the gospel and live it. It is a confirmation to me that this is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Siria Maria Cordero, Dominican Republic
Strengthens My Testimony
I’m very grateful to my Heavenly Father for the great blessing of having the Liahona magazine from month to month. I really enjoy reading it. The counsel of the General Authorities as well as the experiences of members from all over the world are a great help to me in making decisions in my daily life. It also strengthens my testimony of Jesus Christ. I love the Liahona magazine.
Cinthya Morales Hidalgo, Ecuador
Loves Temple Cards
When I was baptized three years ago, I learned about the temple and loved it. Right from the beginning, my daughter, Jessica, just four years old at the time, loved traveling to see the temple. Jessica loves the stories in the Liahona and loves the temple cards, which she collects. Through my daughter, I have been able to strengthen my testimony about the house of the Lord.
Petra Longerich, Germany
Thank You
I thank you for your time and your efforts. I love the Liahona magazine. I enjoy reading it. The messages and illustrations are food for the soul. The gospel is everything to me; it is the greatest happiness. I love this Church. I know with all my heart that it is true. I pray for all of you and give thanks for all.
Christian Yosemith Suarez Rodriguez, Mexico
Call for Articles
As a Church leader, have you had a good experience using the Liahona to counsel or help a new or less-active member? We invite you to submit personal accounts of how you or others have used the Liahona to assist others.
Please send your submission (500 words or fewer) by January 15, 2007, to liahona@ldschurch.org or to:
Liahona, Using the Liahona
50 E. North Temple St., Rm. 2420
Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA
Please include your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and ward and stake (or branch and district).
While we cannot acknowledge receipt of individual responses, authors whose submissions are selected for publication will be notified.
Photograph by Steve Bunderson, posed by model