undefined undefined Family Home Evening Ideas
Family Home Evening Ideas
January 2007

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Liahona, Jan. 2007, inside front cover–1

Family Home Evening Ideas

These ideas can be used for classroom teaching as well as in the home.

Good to Know,” p. 26: Have family members repeat something they have memorized and share how that knowledge has helped them. Discuss how having the Articles of Faith memorized helped Kong Nhean Serey. Select a scripture or hymn that your family can memorize together.

Spencer W. Kimball: Man of Action,” p. 28: Ask your family which prophet is well known for saying, “Do it,” and, “We must lengthen our stride.” Display a picture of President Kimball. Take turns reading some stories from the article, inviting family members to identify the main points. After the last story, sing “I Am a Child of God” (Hymns, no. 301). Conclude by reading President Kimball’s promise in the last paragraph of the article.

To Be Edified and Rejoice Together,” p. 38: Ask family members to respond to the following question: “What do you do if you find yourself in what you think is a boring sacrament meeting?” Discuss their different responses. Share President Kimball’s answer to the same question. Challenge family members to follow his example of being an active learner and receiving by the Spirit (see D&C 50:13–22) when they attend Church meetings.

Dad, I’m Proud of You!” p. 46: Play a game in which you see who can be quiet the longest. When the silence is broken, discuss how hard it was to be quiet. As you read this story to the family, have them listen for why it is important to speak up when prompted. Bear testimony about listening to and following the promptings of the Spirit.

The Opposite of Fear,” p. F14: Read the first four paragraphs of Tricia’s story to illustrate why she is afraid. Ask, “What can we do to overcome our fears?” Finish reading Tricia’s story, and testify of the power of prayer and hymns in overcoming our fears.