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The New Testament
January 2007

“The New Testament,” Liahona, Jan. 2007, F8–F9

The New Testament

There are 27 books in the New Testament. They can be divided into four main parts. To make a small book that will explain the contents of the New Testament, cut out the squares along the solid lines. Punch holes through the dots in the upper-left corners of the squares. Arrange the squares in numerical order. Attach them to each other by stringing a piece of yarn, string, or narrow ribbon through the holes and then tying a bow.

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Illustrations by Paul Mann

The New Testament

The Gospels, or the Testimonies

The first part of the New Testament includes the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This part is called the Gospels, or the Testimonies, because these four books tell about Jesus Christ—His birth, His life and teachings, His Crucifixion, and His Resurrection.

The Acts of the Apostles

The second part of the New Testament includes only one book, the Acts of the Apostles. It tells how the Twelve Apostles continued to teach the gospel and build up the Church after the death of Jesus Christ.

The Epistles, or the Letters

The third part of the New Testament is called the Epistles, or the Letters. It contains some of the letters written by early Church leaders to different branches of the Church, teaching them principles of the gospel and how to live them. Some of these letters are named after the cities where believers lived, and some are named after the author who wrote them.

The Revelation of St. John the Divine

The last part of the New Testament contains one book, the Revelation of St. John the Divine. Using symbols and images, it tells of the dealings of the Savior Jesus Christ with people through all the ages of the earth’s history. It also tells of the Second Coming of Jesus, the Millennium, and the time when the earth will become celestial.