undefined undefined Surprising Things
Surprising Things
February 2007

“Surprising Things,” Liahona, Feb. 2007, F10

Surprising Things

The other day I went to the house of a friend who owns a swimming pool. He is a member of a different church, so I taught him about Joseph Smith. It surprised him to learn that Heavenly Father and Jesus appeared to Joseph Smith. I taught him about the Book of Mormon. He didn’t know about it, just the Bible. Since he didn’t have a Book of Mormon, he didn’t know about Nephi or anyone.

I taught him about the Word of Wisdom. I had asked him once before if he would smoke or drink when he got older. After teaching him the Word of Wisdom, I asked him again. And now he isn’t going to drink alcohol or smoke.

I wanted him to come to our Church, so I invited him. He was going to be gone this week, so I’m going to invite him again when he’s back.

He liked learning these things.

Augusto B., age 10, Argentina

Illustration by Thomas S. Child