“Comment,” Liahona, Mar. 2007, 48
Magazine Brings Serenity and Harmony
We are very grateful for the Liahona. We have observed that it brings serenity to our spirits and harmony to family relationships. We use it as a storybook because we like reading truth-based bedtime stories to our children. It is a great blessing to have the simple messages of the restored gospel made available in this enjoyable magazine.
Cazorla family, Spain
Testimonies of Faith
I thank Heavenly Father for this marvelous magazine, the Liahona. Through it we receive testimonies of faith from the entire world. This communication from our brothers and sisters around the world strengthens us spiritually.
Ilka Odierno, Brazil
Cherishing Marriage
I would like to thank you for publishing the general conference addresses in the May 2006 issue, particularly Elder Russell M. Nelson’s message, “Nurturing Marriage.” Aleth and I were married last year in the Manila Philippines Temple. We have been blessed, but we go through the challenges all married couples do. Elder Nelson’s message has reminded us of the beauty and sacredness of marriage. He taught us how to strengthen our marriage, cherish it, and make it last forever. His message was so timely. I’m grateful for Apostles called by the Lord for our day.
Alberto Reuben C. Reyes, Philippines
Reinforced My Knowledge
I want to express my gratitude for those who make the Liahona possible, as well as for those who share their personal stories. I am especially thankful for the Gospel Classics article by President Hugh B. Brown, “The Profile of a Prophet” (June 2006). His experience reinforced my knowledge that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored in our day and that this is His Church, organized under His direction through the Prophet Joseph Smith.
Herwin A. Pado, Philippines
Hope, Courage, and Spiritual Strength
I am 73 years old. I have a great love for our prophet and for all the General Authorities and local leaders of the Church and for all my brothers and sisters in this world. I am especially grateful to you who dedicate yourselves to preparing the beautiful messages of the Liahona, which are sent to us every month. They give us hope, courage, and spiritual strength to face the tempests of life.
Otília Pereira, Portugal
A Comfort
Like no other magazine, the Liahona teaches me. The stories inspire me to do good continually. Sometimes reading the Liahona comforts me when I am broken-hearted and depressed. It helps me overcome trials and temptation, making me firm and constant in keeping the commandments of God.
Beeny Mayang, Philippines
Coming Next Month
In January 1989 Elder David B. Haight (1906–2004) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles fell ill and was taken by ambulance to the hospital, where he had two abdominal surgeries. Before he was taken to the hospital, crushing pain drove him to his knees. He prayed that his life would be spared. As he prayed, he began to lose consciousness. The sound of the siren was the last thing he remembered. In his unconscious state, the pain ceased, and he found himself in a peaceful setting. He became aware of being in a holy presence.
In next month’s Liahona, look for Gospel Classics: “The Sacrament—and the Sacrifice,” Elder Haight’s testimony of the Savior and an account of what he learned while unconscious.
Detail from Prophet of the Lord, by David Lindsley, may not be copied; border and ambulance © PhotoSpin