“Comment,” Liahona, Apr. 2007, 48
Strength in Part-Member Family
I have spent most my life in a part-member family. I have had many challenges to face as I’ve tried to keep living the gospel. Having inspiring Church materials available, especially the Liahona, helps me keep the Spirit.
Thank you very much for reminding me every month that the gospel changes lives.
Sandra Vinocuna, Ecuador
The Prophet’s Voice
The October 2005 issue of the Liahona was especially wonderful to me. I really appreciated every article in it, especially President James E. Faust’s message, “A Thousand Threads of Love.” I think everyone needs to read it. I thank Heavenly Father for blessing us with prophets to lead us in these latter days.
Elder Emenike Hope Onwuchekwa, Nigeria Ibadan Mission
Thanks for the PDF Version
The Liahona is such an inspiration to my family, and it helps us as we try to live and share the gospel. We are surely blessed by your efforts. Not only is the content spiritually strong and faith promoting, but the design and illustrations are beautiful as well.
We also appreciate the fact that the magazines are now available in many languages in PDF format online—no more cutting and destroying the paper versions! When I want to stick a quote or picture on the fridge or bring materials to sharing time or family home evening, I just print out what I need. Beautiful!
Christian Karlsson, USA
Note: The Liahona is online in some languages at www.lds.org. For English, click on “Gospel Library.” For other languages, click on the world map.
The Brightest Gem
I am grateful for every Liahona that is published. Through each one, we come to know the will of the Lord and our testimonies are strengthened. It is truly a bright gem in these latter days.
The messages of the First Presidency motivate us to live like the Savior and teach us the pure gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We may have different cultures, but we have the same purpose. It fills me with joy to know that outside my own national boundaries, and even on the other side of the great ocean, there is a Latter-day Saint reading the same magazine.
José Ramírez, Venezuela
My Own Tongue
I am from the Ukraine, but eight months ago, my husband and I moved to Idaho (in the United States). I don’t speak English very well, and sometimes I don’t really understand what I hear at church on Sunday. I still feel the Holy Ghost at the meetings, but right now I am very grateful for the opportunity to read the words of our leaders in my native tongue. For me, the Liahona truly brings us sacred writings.
Lena Cantor, USA
Just Thankful
The Liahona is a great companion and help for me. Every month I have challenges in my life, but several months ago, I felt that the Liahona was written just for me and my challenges. I know God wants us to be happy by being obedient.
Georgia Adolpho Pahulaya, Philippines
Call for Articles
Have you felt the spiritual and physical blessings of living the Word of Wisdom? We invite you to send us your account of how exercise, eating right, and taking care of your body have blessed you. Please send your submission (800 words or fewer) by May 15, 2007, to liahona@ldschurch.org or to:
Liahona, Word of Wisdom
50 E. North Temple St., Rm. 2420
Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA
Please include your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and ward and stake name (or branch and district). We will notify authors whose submissions are selected.
Photographs by Welden C. Andersen, except as noted; photograph of wheat © Getty Images