Family Home Evening Ideas
April 2007

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Liahona, Apr. 2007, inside front cover–1

Family Home Evening Ideas

These ideas can be used for classroom teaching as well as in the home.

“The Sacrament—and the Sacrifice,” p. 10: Have each member of the family close his or her eyes. Ask family members to visualize their baptism, taking the sacrament, and a scene from the life of the Savior. How are these events similar? After relating what Elder David B. Haight learned when he was unconscious, invite family members to explain how the sacrament relates to Christ’s sacrifice. List ways to remember the Savior while taking the sacrament.

“Three Messages to Young Adults,” p. 26: Have family members draw a picture of their lives 20 years in the future. Have them illustrate and then discuss the things they hope to have accomplished. Read the counsel from Elder Earl C. Tingey that will help them plan for happiness.

“The Freedom to Dance,” p. 32: Ask family members to write goals they would like to accomplish. Invite them to share ideas on how to realize their aspirations. Read and discuss the choices Mavi is making to accomplish her goal. Emphasize that righteous attitudes and actions are important in reaching our goals.

“The Windows of Heaven,” p. 40: Have family members bring objects of sentimental value and share why they value them. Share the story of the four women in India. How is our tithing valuable to the Lord? Relate the experience of the chapel dedication in India. How were the people blessed by paying tithing? Identify and discuss promises Elder H. Bryan Richards makes for faithful tithe paying.

“A Mother’s Influence,” p. F14: Show a family picture. Discuss how a mother provides guidance for each family member. Relate how Elder Carlos H. Amado’s mother guided him to be baptized and serve a mission. Have family members create cards for their mother, thanking her for her influence.
