undefined undefined Conference Summary for the 177th Annual General Conference
Conference Summary for the 177th Annual General Conference
May 2007

“Conference Summary for the 177th Annual General Conference,” Liahona, May 2007, 2–3

Conference Summary for the 177th Annual General Conference

Saturday Morning, March 31, 2007, General Session

Presiding: President Gordon B. Hinckley. Conducting: President Thomas S. Monson. Invocation: Elder Robert F. Orton. Benediction: Elder Paul E. Koelliker. Music by the Tabernacle Choir; Craig Jessop and Mack Wilberg, directors; Clay Christiansen, organist: “Glory to God on High,” Hymns, no. 67; “Sweet Hour of Prayer,” Hymns, no. 142; “Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel,” Hymns, no. 252, arr. Wilberg, unpublished; “We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet,” Hymns, no. 19; “Search, Ponder, and Pray,” Children’s Songbook, 109; “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” Hymns (1948), no. 70, arr. Wilberg, pub. Oxford.

Saturday Afternoon, March 31, 2007, General Session

Presiding: President Gordon B. Hinckley. Conducting: President Gordon B. Hinckley. Invocation: Elder Lowell M. Snow. Benediction: Elder R. Conrad Schultz. Music by the Tabernacle Choir; Craig Jessop and Mack Wilberg, directors; John Longhurst and Richard Elliott, organists: “Redeemer of Israel,” Hymns, no. 6, arr. Wilberg, unpublished; “Come, Come, Ye Saints,” Hymns, no. 30, arr. Wilberg, unpublished; “We Love Thy House, O God,” Hymns, no. 247; “How Firm a Foundation,” Hymns, no. 85; “This House We Dedicate to Thee,” Hymns, no. 245, arr. Wilberg, unpublished; “The Spirit of God,” Hymns, no. 2, arr. Wilberg, unpublished.

Saturday Evening, March 31, 2007, Priesthood Session

Presiding: President Gordon B. Hinckley. Conducting: President Thomas S. Monson. Invocation: Elder Wayne S. Peterson. Benediction: Elder Paul V. Johnson. Music by a priesthood choir from Brigham Young University; Ronald Staheli, director; John Longhurst, organist: “Rise Up, O Men of God,” Hymns, no. 324, arr. Staheli, unpublished; “Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy,” Hymns, no. 335, arr. Hopkins, unpublished; “Now Let Us Rejoice,” Hymns, no. 3; “I Love the Lord,” music from Hymns, no. 124, text by John Sears Tanner, arr. Staheli, unpublished.

Sunday Morning, April 1, 2007, General Session

Presiding: President Gordon B. Hinckley. Conducting: President Gordon B. Hinckley. Invocation: Elder Robert K. Dellenbach. Benediction: Elder Won Yong Ko. Music by the Tabernacle Choir; Craig Jessop and Mack Wilberg, directors; Richard Elliott and Clay Christiansen, organists: “Rejoice, the Lord Is King!” Hymns, no. 66; “The Lord My Pasture Will Prepare,” Hymns, no. 109, arr. Wilberg, unpublished; “I Am a Child of God,” Hymns, no. 301; “High on the Mountain Top,” Hymns, no. 5; “For He Shall Give His Angels to Watch Over Thee,” Mendelssohn, ed. Jessop, unpublished; “When Faith Endures,” Hymns, no. 128; “O My Father,” Hymns, no. 292, arr. Gates, pub. Jackman.

Sunday Afternoon, April 1, 2007, General Session

Presiding: President Gordon B. Hinckley. Conducting: President Thomas S. Monson. Invocation: Elder H. Ross Workman. Benediction: Elder D. Rex Gerratt. Music by the Tabernacle Choir; Craig Jessop and Mack Wilberg, directors; Bonnie Goodliffe, organist: “From All That Dwell below the Skies,” Hymns, no. 90, arr. Wilberg, unpublished; “There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today,” Hymns, no. 227, arr. Wilberg, unpublished; “Come, Ye Children of the Lord,” Hymns, no. 58; “I Need Thee Every Hour,” Hymns, no. 98, arr. Wilberg, unpublished.

Saturday Evening, March 24, 2007, General Young Women Meeting

Presiding: President Gordon B. Hinckley. Conducting: Susan W. Tanner. Invocation: Hillary Olsen. Benediction: Rosey Bassett. Music by a Young Women choir from stakes in Provo, Utah; Merrilee Webb, director; Linda Margetts, organist: “I Am a Child of God,” Hymns, no. 301, arr. Perry, unpublished (French horn: Mary Wood-Lampros); “If the Savior Stood Beside Me,” DeFord, arr. DeFord, unpublished; “I Stand All Amazed,” Hymns, no. 193, arr. Manookin, pub. Jackman (flute: Kathleen Ellingson; harp: Sarah Edwards); “As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days,” Hymns, no. 256, arr. adapted by Kasen, pub. Jackman.

Conference Recordings Available

Recordings of conference sessions are available in many languages at www.lds.org. Generally within two months following conference, recordings are also available at distribution centers.

Conference Talks on Internet

To access general conference talks on the Internet in many languages, visit www.lds.org. Click on “Gospel Library” and “General Conference.” Then select a language.

Home and Visiting Teaching Messages

For home and visiting teaching messages, please select an address that best meets the needs of those you visit.

Topic Index

Abuse, 16

Activation, 85, 109

Adversity, 34, 78, 94

Agency, 94

Atonement, 99

Baptism, 41, 92

Bible, 80

Book of Mormon, 92

Church history, 29, 32, 36, 39, 43

Church magazines, 105

Cleanliness, 60

Commitment, 14

Complacency, 89

Conversion, 11, 19, 102

Courage, 45, 57, 78

Covenants, 19, 76, 112

Debt, 51

Decisions, 48

Diligence, 45, 51

Divine nature, 94, 106

Divorce, 70

Education, 54

Encouragement, 16

Eternal life, 22

Example, 106, 109

Faith, 8, 41, 48, 67, 74, 76, 78, 97, 109, 115

Family, 54, 76

Family home evening, 105

Forgiveness, 67, 99

General conference, 41, 105

Goals, 45

Godhead, 83, 92

God the Father, 8

Gratitude, 34, 57

Healing, 67, 70

Hinckley, Gordon B., 29

Holy Ghost, 26, 78

Honesty, 45, 76

Hope, 102

Humility, 67

Hymns, 11, 94

Individual worth, 106

Inspiration, 26

Integrity, 45, 60

Jesus Christ, 22, 80, 109

Kindness, 105

Love, 22, 34, 106

Marriage, 16, 70, 105

Missionary work, 11

Modesty, 112

Music, 11, 26

Obedience, 14, 45, 48, 60, 94, 97

Parenthood, 94

Peace, 8

Prayer, 8, 76, 94, 115

Preparation, 48, 51

Priesthood, 54, 57, 85

Priorities, 74

Procrastination, 89

Prophets, 29, 32, 39

Remembering, 36

Repentance, 99, 102, 109

Responsibility, 54

Restoration, 83, 85, 92

Resurrection, 22

Revelation, 92

Reverence, 11

Righteousness, 51, 54

Sacrifice, 80, 94, 109

Sanctification, 19

Scriptures, 76, 80, 115

Self-reliance, 51

Service, 45, 85, 89

Smith, Joseph, 78, 80

Spiritual rebirth, 19

Standards, 14

Tabernacle, 26, 29, 32, 39, 41, 43

Testimony, 32, 54, 78, 83

Tithing, 57, 97, 115

Unity, 106

Virtue, 112

Word of Wisdom, 14

Words, 16

Worship, 11

Worthiness, 57

Young, Brigham, 29

Young women, 109

Youth, 14

Speakers Listed in Alphabetical Order

Andersen, Neil L., 74

Ballard, M. Russell, 80

Beck, Julie B., 109

Bednar, David A., 19

Burton, H. David, 32

Coleman, Gary J., 92

Dahlquist, Charles W., II, 94

Dalton, Elaine S., 112

Dickson, John B., 14

Eyring, Henry B., 89

Faust, James E., 39, 54, 67

Hales, Robert D., 48

Hinckley, Gordon B., 43, 60, 83, 105, 115

Holland, Jeffrey R., 16

Jensen, Jay E., 11

Jensen, Marlin K., 36

Kikuchi, Yoshihiko, 97

Matsumori, Vicki F., 76

McMullin, Keith B., 51

Monson, Thomas S., 4, 22, 41, 57

Nelson, Russell M., 102

Oaks, Dallin H., 70

Pace, Glenn L., 78

Packer, Boyd K., 26

Parkin, Bonnie D., 34

Perry, L. Tom, 85

Scott, Richard G., 8

Tanner, Susan W., 106

Tingey, Earl C., 29

Uchtdorf, Dieter F., 99

Wirthlin, Joseph B., 45