September 2007

“Comment,” Liahona, Sept. 2007, 48


Touched by the Spirit

How loving is our Father in Heaven to provide us with all the things we need to be able to return to His presence. He has provided us with the Liahona, a very wonderful magazine, unique in its kind. Everyone who seeks the truth sincerely and humbly will be touched by the spirit it brings.

Every time I read the Liahona, I feel like I am mingling with my brothers and sisters around the world. What a great blessing.
Victorino F. Dela Cruz Jr., Philippines

A Family Publication

We are grateful for the beautiful publication the Liahona, which we eagerly receive each month and make the most of as a family. In the July 2006 issue, for example, we enjoyed great articles that helped us prepare our son for baptism and confirmation. The high-quality photography catches the attention of our little girl, who does not yet know how to read but can understand visual messages. On a Sunday afternoon we played “Sunday Box: Pencil Spin” and had a very good time. Family bonds were strengthened.
Cazorla family, Spain

Especially Impressive

I have been reading the Liahona regularly for many years now. I always read it with respect and joy, and I am edified. I felt that Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s July 2006 article, “On the Wings of Eagles,” was especially impressive and helpful.
Gernot Lahr, Germany

Help with Home Teaching

I was grateful for the article by President Thomas S. Monson titled “The Master’s Blueprint,” in the January 2006 issue. It was very uplifting to my family, and it helped me with my home teaching.
Jaime Cruz, Nicaragua

The Liahona Increases Our Faith

We are very blessed because we have a guide and tool—the Liahona—that helps us survive in this dangerous life, wherein there are so many trials and temptations. The Liahona helps us increase and strengthen our faith.

I am now studying at a school where I am the only member of the Church. There are articles in the Liahona that relate to my personal challenges.
Mark Anthony Punongbayan, Philippines

A Christmas Gift

I sent a copy of the December 2006 Liahona to a friend, and after reading it, he felt great. He said, “I thank you for such a great offer. My life has changed, and I am ready to join this wonderful Church.” And I was happy for helping bring a soul unto Christ.
Kwame Asante, Ghana

A Teaching Aid

My life as a member of the Church is happier because the Liahona is a guide for our day. I am the youth Sunday School teacher in my branch, and I use the Liahona, along with the scriptures, in my lessons. My students and I have learned a lot. Congratulations on your excellent work.
Adeilson de Souza Nascimento, Brazil

E-mail your comments to liahona@ldschurch.org. Or send them to:

Liahona, Comment

50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2420

Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA

Letters may be edited for length or clarity.

Photograph by Camilla Combs
