Family Home Evening Ideas
September 2007

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Liahona, Sept. 2007, inside front cover–1

Family Home Evening Ideas

These teaching suggestions can be used in the classroom as well as in the home. You may tailor these ideas to your family or class.

“Ordinary Men, Extraordinary Callings,” p. 8: Ask family members to describe a prophet. How does the world view prophets? Read aloud the descriptions of Elder Heber C. Kimball, Enoch, and Paul. Explain that Church leaders are ordinary people who were called of God. Using the last five paragraphs, discuss how we can better follow our leaders. Make a gift (treat, picture, or card) to give to a local Church leader to show your gratitude.

“Seek Learning by Faith,” p. 16: Display several containers with various openings and capacities. Try tossing coins or candy into the containers. Which containers are the most effective targets? Ask how each container can be likened to an individual’s willingness to learn by the Spirit. Identify statements from this article that describe effective learning. Make a goal to practice these principles.

“If a Bug Flies into Your Mouth,” p. 32: Show an insect or a picture of an insect. Ask, “Would you eat this?” Discuss the author’s experience. Tell the story of Joseph of Egypt and how he “spit out” his temptation.

“Doing Good on the Sabbath Day,” p. F8: Fold a sheet of paper to create eight squares. Discuss each idea from the article, and have family members draw a picture for each of the points. Ask family members to add other Sabbath day activities on the other side of the paper. Use these ideas the next time you need a good Sabbath day activity.

“Miles and Miles of Smiles,” p. F12: Cut a piece of brown paper into strips to represent pieces of wood. As you read the story, add a piece of “wood” for each act of charity listed to create a campfire. Explain that each stick of wood makes the campfire brighter. Invite family members to take the “wood” and write ways to serve during the coming week.