undefined undefined Comment
October 2007

“Comment,” Liahona, Oct. 2007, 48


The First Presidency Message

The Liahona has helped many people make their lives whole. The First Presidency Message can’t be ignored by anyone who wants a good life. The First Presidency Message has really helped me organize my life. Even though I can’t always buy a copy of the Liahona, the issues I am able to read help me become a better person.
Abraham Adaranijo, Canada

Precept by Precept

When I was a newly baptized member of the Church, I couldn’t fully comprehend the gospel, but through reading the Liahona, I have been able to understand it precept by precept. I am inspired by those who share their life experiences. Thank you for publishing good articles that support the principles of the gospel.
Federico G. Balut Jr., Philippines

How People Really Live the Gospel

What an excellent and perfect blessing it is to have the Liahona in our homes and libraries, where we can read it in our spare moments and spiritual times. I appreciate the wonderful articles about how people in one place or another really live the gospel. This unites us. It encourages the rest of us not to be afraid, and it reassures us that we are not alone.
Elsie Castillo, Ecuador

Encouraged to Return

As a child, I became less-active in the Church, but as a teenager I was considering coming back. Before making this important decision, I prayed and pondered what it would mean to come back to the Church and the responsibilities it would entail.

That is when I decided to read some old issues of the Liahona. I was reading to find stories that would encourage me and reinforce my desire to return to church.

Through reading articles about people who had experiences similar to mine, I received a lot of encouragement. Most of all, the articles helped me understand that nobody at church is perfect and that I have my faults as well and need to do something to correct them.

I have now come back to church. I realize that the meetings are like they were before, but now I have a more positive vision, partly due to ideas that I found in the Liahona about how to enjoy classes and sacrament meeting.

Every time I read the Liahona, I feel satisfied as I find answers to my questions.
María Pilar Santana, Dominican Republic

The Talks of Our Dear Prophet

I would like to thank you for sending me the Liahona magazine regularly. I am now 93 years old. Since the day I was baptized and confirmed, I have received the magazine. It was small before but always interesting. I am delighted with all the content of the magazine; however, I am especially interested in the talks of our dear prophet. It is wonderful to hear him twice a year during general conference.
Lydia Dominguez, USA

Several months ago many of you responded to a survey we included in the April news pages. Thank you! We received hundreds of responses, and we reviewed every one. Your feedback will help us improve the Liahona. If you didn’t have a chance to take the survey, send us your comments anyway. You can reach us at the address below.

E-mail your comments to liahona@ldschurch.org. Or send them to:

Liahona, Comment

50 E. North Temple St., Rm. 2420

Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA

Letters may be edited for length or clarity.

Photograph by Juan Manuel Hernández Jiménez