“Comment,” Liahona, Dec. 2007, 48
A Useful Teaching Tool
As Young Women president I make good use of the Liahona articles, especially the Posters, because they help us get the youth to think about gospel principles and put them into practice. I use the talks and stories in the Liahona because they are true stories about people who may be of a different culture, race, or sex—but we still have our testimonies and the true gospel in common.
Jessica Moreira de Macías, Ecuador
Having the Liahona on Hand
One Saturday when I was a bishop, I was preparing to go out with my family to the beach when the Spirit caused me to stop. My family asked what happened, and I responded that I couldn’t go with them because I had to visit a certain couple. I didn’t understand the reason, but I returned home and prayed and felt that I should take with me a copy of the Liahona. I did not know what message I would share, but as I arrived I felt I should talk about eternal marriage.
Later, the husband told me that God sent me there because they had been having a fight that stopped when I arrived. What that couple needed at that moment was the message I had brought.
It is very important that we have the Liahona in our homes because we don’t know when we will need it to solve our problems. I am grateful to always have the Liahona in my home. I feel the Spirit stronger when I read it and seek to apply its teachings.
Marcial F. Lima, Brazil
I Am Not Alone
The Liahona magazine is indeed a great help to me. Each time I read it, it helps me focus on what I should be doing every day. It gives me the courage I need to face my trials, it gives me hope when everything around me looks bleak, and it helps enlighten my mind whenever I’m troubled. It’s also a great tool for my husband and me each time we prepare lessons for family home evening. All the messages and stories are inspiring, and when I read other members’ experiences similar to my own, it adds to my strength. Every time I read the Liahona, I get the feeling that I am not alone. Heavenly Father loves me, and through this magazine He lets me know.
Bernadette Santo Domingo, Philippines
The Good Samaritan
Soon after I was baptized, a longtime member gave me all of his past issues of the Liahona (1999–2002), and since then I have been a subscriber. Whenever I can, I also give a copy of the Liahona as a gift.
I was touched by the article by John W. Welch, “The Good Samaritan: Forgotten Symbols” (Feb. 2007). I learned that what is most important for humans is knowledge, compassion, and service.
Ginalva Pedro da Silva, Brazil
The Lord’s Work Moves Forward
I have two callings: I am a branch missionary and the first counselor in the Young Women organization. The Liahona helps me prepare lessons and organize activities for the youth. I gave the Liahona to my friends who are not members of the Church, and they were happy to read it. I know the Lord’s work moves forward to all nations and kindreds.
Natasha Vavenko, Ukraine
Coming Next Month
Starting in January, adult members of the Church will be studying the teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith in Relief Society and Melchizedek Priesthood meetings. An article in next month’s Liahona relates highlights from the Prophet’s life and explains how Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith is an authoritative compilation of the Prophet’s teachings.
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