undefined undefined Portuguese and Spanish Scriptures Available as MP3s
Portuguese and Spanish Scriptures Available as MP3s
January 2008

“Portuguese and Spanish Scriptures Available as MP3s,” Liahona, Jan. 2008, N6–N7

Portuguese and Spanish Scriptures Available as MP3s

In keeping with the goal of providing approved material to members worldwide, audio files of the Spanish and Portuguese scriptures are now available in MP3 format on the Church’s Web site. The files may be downloaded free of charge.

These audio files will provide the scriptures to a growing population of audio users worldwide. This technology provides the convenience of mobility to those who wish to listen to the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price. It also provides members with another style of learning.

Before September 2007, only the English language scriptures were available to MP3 users. Rob Jex, director of scriptures coordination for the Curriculum Department, explained that Spanish and Portuguese were selected for inclusion because they are the languages besides English most widely spoken by members. Also, audio versions of these languages were already available in other formats, so conversion to the MP3 format was simpler.

He emphasized that the MP3 files are provided to “enhance effective study of the word of God.”

Plans to increase the audio files available on the Church’s Web site include 28 other languages within the next few years. Brother Jex said the Book of Mormon is currently available in print in 106 languages and the triple combination in 49. Translation continues in more languages as the Church works to provide the word of God to the world.

To access the audio files, go to www.lds.org/audio.

Elder L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained in April 2000 general conference: “Technology has blessed us with many new innovations to spread the message of the gospel through satellite systems, our own network Web site, television, radio, as well as the written text in our magazines and newspaper. All of these add to our delivery systems, which greatly increase our ability to receive the messages that are delivered” (“Thou Shalt Give Heed unto All His Words,” Liahona, July 2000, 27; Ensign, May 2000, 23).