undefined undefined Living His Commandments
Living His Commandments
March 2008

“Living His Commandments,” Liahona, Mar. 2008, 26

Living His Commandments

Fiorino Berardo, Argentina

Jesus Christ is the true path, the Bread of Life. He it is who gave beauty to all creation for the benefit and sustenance of mankind. He is the greatest among all of God’s creations, the Only Begotten Son in the flesh and the Firstborn in the spirit. Through Him, the Father has shown His great love for all.

Throughout my life I have received many, many blessings through my faith in Jesus Christ and especially in the sacred Atonement—the Lord’s most sublime deed. I try to show the love I feel for Him by living His commandments.

At this time my wife and I are representatives of Jesus Christ, serving a full-time mission for Him. It is a marvelous joy to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to invite people to come unto Him and accept Him as their Savior.