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Whom Say Ye That I Am?
March 2008

“Whom Say Ye That I Am?” Liahona, Mar. 2008, 23

“Whom Say Ye That I Am?”

The Savior asked His disciples this question, and Peter answered, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God” (see Matthew 16:15–16). Here’s how teens and young adults from around the world answer this same question:

Jesus Christ has done a lot for me. He has given me my family and the gospel. He’s helped me in my studies. I’ve received several scholarships, and I believe these were blessings from Him. If He hadn’t come to show us how to live, we wouldn’t be able to return to our Heavenly Father.

Bryan N., 13, Honduras

I know that through the Savior’s suffering, death, and Atonement, we can be resurrected and we can be redeemed spiritually and physically. Because of faith and repentance, I have learned that we can be forgiven of our sins.

Joan O., 19, Philippines

A long time ago a man walked this earth, a man whose actions and words have touched millions of lives—including mine. He is Jesus Christ. His atoning sacrifice continues to influence my life every day. How amazing it is to know that through His wounds, our own wounds can be healed. Because I know that Jesus is the Christ, I am preparing to serve a full-time mission and spread His gospel to the people of the world who have not yet felt of His endless love. He is the Savior and Redeemer of my soul.

Kristian M., 24, Croatia

Jesus Christ has done for us what no one else could do. For me, obtaining the Aaronic Priesthood was a wonderful moment because I knew it was what the Lord wanted me to do. I was following His example. I know that He will continue to lead me and teach me the way.

Limhi G., 17, Mexico

After my mother passed away, life began to feel too much to bear. I finally turned to my bishop for advice. What he told me wasn’t exactly what I expected, but it changed my life. He invited me to rely on Heavenly Father by praying, reading the scriptures, and trusting that the Savior would be there for me—trusting Him so much that I would feel my burdens become lighter. Two and a half years later, I know that there is a constant peace available to all of us because of who our Savior is and what He did for us.

Whitney W., 19, Arizona, USA

I know that Jesus Christ lives. He loves me, and He gave His life for me. He is my friend. By His teachings, I learn how to be like Him. He is just, kind, perfect, and charitable. He suffered in Gethsemane for everyone. I know He is the Living Christ, my Savior, my Rock, and my Lord.

Claudia R., 25, Mexico

Growing up in the Church and going to Primary, I have learned about Jesus Christ from when I was a little girl. And my testimony has grown stronger since then. Now that I’m on a mission, I love having the opportunity to share the gospel and testify of Jesus Christ every day.

As I think of the Savior and all the things He has done for me, I want to be closer to Him. I’m personalizing the things I learned as a child. I love being able to help other people feel the love of our Savior Jesus Christ. This testimony is not just something I say—it comes from my heart.

Susana V., 21, Tonga