“Comment,” Liahona, Sept. 2008, 48
Gaining a Testimony
I’m so grateful for having the Liahona in our home. Many of my questions are answered in it. An article written by Elder David A. Bednar, “Seek Learning by Faith” (Sept. 2007), has helped me. I felt the Spirit while reading it, and the answer came to me that in order to have a testimony of the Book of Mormon, one should bear that testimony, and the Spirit will help you know the Book of Mormon is true.
Genes L. Nallonar, Philippines
Three Messages to All
Every day I feel more and more grateful for our Church magazine, the Liahona. It plays a very important role in my life. Numerous times the Liahona has helped me make the right decisions. In the April 2007 article “Three Messages to Young Adults,” Elder Earl C. Tingey encouraged the youth to be active members of the Church. He advised them to prepare for tomorrow by making wise decisions today so that if they are in a bad situation, they won’t have to panic not knowing what to do but will be prepared to face it. This article was addressed to the young adults of the Church. I am 55 years old, but when I read it, I realized that it was written for me too.
Olga Khripko, Ukraine
How Did You Like the Magazine?
My husband used to be the person in charge of distributing the Liahona throughout Peru each month. In his travels he would meet people who were not members of the Church working in security booths. When they would ask, “What are you carrying in your van?” his kind reply was, “Magazines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—magazines called the Liahona.”
They would often be intrigued and want to know more about it, and my husband always carried some extra copies that he gave away. He always went to the same places, so when he returned, he would ask them, “How did you like the magazine?” And if they said they had read it, he would get their names so the missionaries could go to their homes and teach them about the Church.
One day, years later, we were leaving the temple. What a surprise it was when my husband knew the person in the security booth. He had been baptized, and now he and his loved ones were preparing to be an eternal family.
Thank you, dear brothers and sisters, for writing such interesting articles. They help us all to progress, and everything we read in the magazine touches our hearts.
Ana Meza de Eulogio, Peru
The Importance of Repentance
I have been called to serve as the fourth-Sunday Relief Society teacher. One lesson I gave was on a talk titled “Repentance and Conversion” by Elder Russell M. Nelson in the May 2007 Liahona. As I was preparing my lesson, I learned and felt how important repentance is.
I always look forward to reading the Liahona. There are many things I can learn and feel through the Liahona.
Anonymous, Japan
Liahona Is Our Guide
I have read the Liahona for more than 34 years. I am often brought to tears when I read about my brothers and sisters and how they faithfully strive to live the gospel. I love everything in the Liahona, but I especially thank you for the article “Helping Those Who Struggle with Same-Gender Attraction” by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland (Oct. 2007). Together with the scriptures, the Liahona is a guide for our family.
Name withheld
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