undefined undefined Church Sends Aid to Philippines
Church Sends Aid to Philippines
December 2008

“Church Sends Aid to Philippines,” Liahona, Dec. 2008, N7

Disaster Report

Church Sends Aid to Philippines

In response to local needs, Church leaders in the Philippines purchased bulk packages of staple food and bottled water after a typhoon caused mudslides and deep flooding.

Typhoon Fengshen swept through the country on June 21 and 22, destroying homes and killing more than 1,000 people. Church members and missionaries were reported safe.

The Church area welfare team provided 20 sacks of rice and boxes of sardines, corned beef, milk, and water for members on the island of Panay, which received the most damage. They also distributed more than 160,000 bottles of water to the governor’s office. Stakes and districts on Panay went on to organize cleanup efforts at local schools.