Updated Meetinghouse Locator Available on LDS.org
January 2009

“Updated Meetinghouse Locator Available on LDS.org,” Liahona, January 2009, N6

In the News

Updated Meetinghouse Locator Available on LDS.org

An upgraded version of the Church’s meetinghouse locator launched on August 20, 2008, and can be accessed at maps.lds.org or through LDS.org (click on About the Church, then Find a Meetinghouse) and Mormon.org (click on Worship with Us).

The enhanced program incorporates features from Google and Microsoft map search engines, providing users with an accurate and visual outlay of streets, distances, and locations of meetinghouses worldwide.

Larry Richman, director of Internet Coordination, said that when compared to the former version, the upgrade provides users with more precise directions to meetinghouses throughout the world.

The site provides access for mobile devices and lists different types of congregations nearby, including language-specific wards or branches and young single adult units.
