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Strengthening My Testimony
January 2009

“Strengthening My Testimony,” Liahona, January 2009, 18

Strengthening My Testimony

Alberto Avilez Rodríguez, Mexico

I am frequently surprised at what I can learn at institute. I don’t remember ever attending class without coming away having learned something new or understanding some gospel principle better. As a result, my life has changed.

Among the many blessings I have received by attending institute are improved family relationships and an increased interest in the scriptures. It has also increased my testimony. Before attending institute, I wasn’t sure that I wanted to serve a mission. Now I know that serving a mission is what I need to do.

Institute has been a wonderful experience for me. It has helped me understand and obey the Church’s standards. The doctrines of the Church are the means of salvation and exaltation, and I am grateful to be able to be learning about them at institute.