undefined undefined Comment
March 2009

“Comment,” Liahona, Mar. 2009, 1


Come to the Temple

Thank you for the excellent theme in the October 2007 Liahona on family history and temple attendance. One week after the members received the Liahona, the activity at the family history center here tripled. I know that this was because of the Liahona articles that month. Sometimes the members just need to be reminded to perform the ordinances of the temple for their ancestors. Many thanks, for the Liahona has helped me and others serve the Lord with more vigor.

Anderson Nascimento, Brazil

Out of Small Things

We are following the counsel Bishop Keith B. McMullin gave in his April 2007 conference talk, “Lay Up in Store,” by putting aside some money, even though it is only a few coins each week. We know the Lord’s promise, as told to us by our leaders, will be fulfilled—that “out of small things proceedeth that which is great” (D&C 64:33).

Ricardo and Mireya Merchan, Colombia