undefined undefined Family Home Evening Ideas
Family Home Evening Ideas
July 2009

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Liahona, July 2009, 48

Family Home Evening Ideas

These teaching suggestions can be used in the classroom as well as in the home. You may tailor these ideas to your family or class.

“Scripture Stories as Patterns for Our Lives,” p. 16: Begin by reading the account of David and Goliath, using the model from the article. As you tell another scripture story, search for the “they-there-then.” List these on paper. Ask how the story parallels our day, listing the “I-here-now.” Discuss how this method could help your personal and family scripture study.

“Modesty: A Timeless Principle for All,” p. 28: Prayerfully prepare this lesson, as this topic could be a sensitive one. Explain modesty and why it is important, using the sections “What Is Modesty?” “Why Modesty?” and “A Timeless Principle.” Emphasize the idea that modesty invites the companionship of the Holy Ghost. Tell the story from the section “Blessings Associated with Modesty,” and invite family members to share blessings they have received or observed from dressing modestly.

“Beautiful Things Ahead,” p. 36: Read the story, and have family members list situations that require courage. (You may need to explain the concept of courage to younger children. The stories on pages F6–F7 are good examples.) Discuss how the missionary gained courage and how family members can apply the same principle to the items on their lists.

“Always Make the Effort,” p. 38: Give a towel to each family member. Ask each person to fold the towel with one hand behind his or her back, and see who can fold it the fastest. Share the stories from Elder Octaviano Tenorio’s life. Discuss what qualities he had that helped him reach his goals. Ask family members to fold the towels with both hands in front of them. Discuss why giving a full effort helps achieve a better result.