undefined undefined Comment
August 2009

“Comment,” Liahona, August 2009, 1


It Leads Us Down the Right Path

I was baptized about a year ago, and I thank the Lord for sending the missionaries to my home. Thanks to the scriptures and the teachings of the prophets published in the Liahona, I have been able to better understand this life and God’s love for me and for my family. The scriptures and gospel teachings in the Liahona have strengthened my testimony, helped me to grow, and nourished my spirit. I encourage everyone to read the Liahona; it draws us nearer to our Father and leads us down the right path.

Stephanie Acosta, Uruguay

The Savior Shows Us the Way

I am grateful for the Liahona, especially the issue about the Savior (March 2008). It inspired me and strengthened my testimony of Him. He did all things for us. He set the perfect example of how to live in this world, how to overcome trials, and how to be immovable in keeping the commandments. I am so thankful for the Savior. I know He lives. He is always willing to comfort us and show us the way. All we need to do is come unto Him.

Nenetha C. Ybañez, Philippines