Happy Birthday, President Monson!
August 2009

“Happy Birthday, President Monson!” Liahona, August 2009, F4–F5

Happy Birthday, President Monson!

Last August, when asked what his ideal birthday gift would be, President Thomas S. Monson encouraged us to “find someone who is having a hard time, … and do something for them.”1 This year children around the world have turned their hearts and hands towards others to give President Thomas S. Monson what he wanted most.

Many, many children responded to President Monson’s encouragement to do an act of service for someone else. We can print only a few of the letters we received. But all of you kind children have shared a gift of service with your beloved prophet, and all wish him a very happy birthday this month!

I helped a family by giving them things that I didn’t use and toys that were in good shape. I felt very good when I did this. It is like what Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ do for us. They help us in our challenges and give us many blessings.

Alma V., age 11, Capital District, Colombia

Children in the Oakridge Farms Ward, Farmington Utah Oakridge Stake, gathered for an activity where they tied quilts. The quilts were later donated to the Church’s Humanitarian Center.

My friend is from Peru, but she has been living in Italy for a few years. Four of her brothers and sisters were baptized, and last October her mom became a member of the Church too. Now my friend would like to be baptized. The missionaries asked me to help them prepare her for baptism. So I was there every time they met with her to talk about the gospel. I hope she will be baptized soon.

Eleonora A., age 11, Piedmont, Italy

During our vacation, we were thirsty. I asked my mom for some money to buy water. When I was coming out of the store, I saw a man looking in the trash for some water. I looked at my hand. I had some change, so I bought him a bottle of water.

Orson B., age 10, Sonora, Mexico

My daddy helped my brother, Maximo, and me to make some fishing poles for my friends from Primary. We love to go fishing as a family. Each time I invite some of our friends to go fishing, they don’t have anything to fish with. Seeing how happy many of them are because they now have their own poles makes me happy too.

Luciano N., age 9, Entre Ríos, Argentina

The town where I live is very cold. To help the missionaries keep warm, I knitted a muffler with the help of my mom.

Mirai H., age 10, Hokkaido, Japan

I learned to read when I was five years old. Now I am doing with my younger cousin what my parents did with me—teaching him to read by using the scriptures.

Nicolas N., age 7, São Paulo, Brazil

My friend Jonah broke his leg. He was in a wheelchair for a long time. Every day I would help him by pushing his wheelchair to lunch, recess, or anyplace he needed to go. I felt really happy to help my friend.

Emma S., age 8, Arizona, USA

I am a small boy who loves to give service. I like to cook a lot, and I like to make waffles with my grandmother. I also like to offer the waffles to my neighbors.

Jonas V., age 5, Wallonia, Belgium; with help from his mother


  1. In Gerry Avant, “Prophet’s Birthday: Milestone of 81,” Church News, Aug. 23, 2008, 4.

Photograph of noisemaker by Tamra Hamblin; photograph of cake © Getty Images; photograph of quilting activity by Christina Smith
