undefined undefined FamilySearch Indexing Now Available in Three Additional Languages
FamilySearch Indexing Now Available in Three Additional Languages
August 2009

“FamilySearch Indexing Now Available in Three Additional Languages,” Liahona, August 2009, N3

FamilySearch Indexing Now Available in Three Additional Languages

FamilySearch is adding three additional language interfaces—Italian, Portuguese, and Russian— to FamilySearchIndexing.org. Both Italian and Russian are already online; Portuguese is scheduled for the middle of 2009.

FamilySearch is currently indexing projects in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Russian. Two of these projects are records from Kyiv, Ukraine, collected from 1840 to 1842, and baptism records from Trento, Italy, collected from 1784 to 1924.

The FamilySearch indexing initiative uses volunteers to identify family history information on digitized historical documents for organization into a searchable index. People who are searching for their ancestors can access the indexes online to find out if further information is available.

In 2008, FamilySearch indexing volunteers indexed more than 115 million names. The volunteers who work on the indexing process live all around the world, said Paul Nauta, public affairs manager for FamilySearch. Volunteers are always in demand, especially those who read a language other than English, he said.

Anyone of any age can register to volunteer by visiting FamilySearchIndexing.org.