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A Lesson on Forgiveness
August 2009

“A Lesson on Forgiveness,” Liahona, August 2009, 48

A Lesson on Forgiveness

Carlos and Jenny Comena Guzman, Ica, Peru

As our family discussed our most memorable family home evening, what stuck out had nothing to do with a fun activity, clever object lesson, or special treat. It was a simple but profound experience that began with a lesson our 17-year-old son, Fielding, prepared about forgiveness.

After the lesson, everyone had an opportunity to express his or her feelings about what we liked about each other and what we wished we could improve in ourselves. We talked about the challenges we each faced and helped each other find solutions. We cried together, asked forgiveness of each other, and set goals to be better.

Family home evening has become one of our favorite times. We love how it allows our children to express themselves more freely and with confidence.