undefined undefined Comment
September 2009

“Comment,” Liahona, Sept. 2009, 1


A Spiritual Treasure

When I first became a member of the Church, I was not interested in subscribing to the Liahona. Then I was less active for a time. When I set a goal to return to Church activity, I subscribed to the Liahona. It was then that I realized what a spiritual treasure I had missed out on. This magazine is not just information from the Church but a communication channel among the members, through which it is possible to share testimonies, experiences, messages, and counsel for our time. The magazine contains teachings to be applied daily.

Cláudia Souza Alencar, Brazil

Encouraging and Instructive

I am not a member of your church, but I feel that the Liahona, which I receive from a friend at work, is encouraging. It is also very instructive, especially for children and youth. And it helps me too. I like the articles from regular members who share experiences that have made their faith grow. The illustrations are especially fascinating to me. They are drawn so clearly and are so expressive. So let me say, well done and thank you very much.

Beatrice Karrer Ulrich, Germany