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Prophets Teach Me How to Strengthen My Family
September 2009

“Prophets Teach Me How to Strengthen My Family,” Liahona, Sept. 2009, F8–F9

Sharing Time

Prophets Teach Me How to Strengthen My Family

“What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken … ; whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same” (D&C 1:38).

Families are ordained of God. Before we were born, we lived as spirit sons and daughters of Heavenly Father. When it was time for us to come to earth, Heavenly Father planned for us to come to a family. He knew that families were the best way to help us prepare to return to live with Him.

Heavenly Father calls prophets to testify of Jesus Christ and teach His gospel. Prophets help families know what they need to do to be happy and to return to live with Him.

We can read about the teachings of the prophets in the scriptures. We can listen to the prophet in general conference. If we listen carefully, we can learn what Heavenly Father wants us to do. When we obey the prophet’s counsel, our faith will grow. We will be able to help strengthen our family.


Remove page F8 from the magazine, and mount it on heavier paper. As you listen to the prophet during general conference next month, listen for what he teaches that can help strengthen your family. In the picture frames, draw pictures of you and your family doing what the prophet taught. Put your pictures in a place where they can remind you and your family of what the prophet taught.

picture frame activity

Sharing Time Ideas

  1. Book of Mormon prophets teach me how to strengthen my family. Explain to the children that Book of Mormon prophets saw our day and the dangers that our families face. Book of Mormon prophets teach us what to do to protect and strengthen our families. Using name tags or simple costumes, have children dramatize accounts of Book of Mormon prophets that teach principles that will strengthen our families (see “Dramatizations,” Teaching, No Greater Call [1999], 165–66). For example: The story of Lehi leaving Jerusalem with his family, emphasizing Lehi’s obedience to the Lord’s commandments (see 1 Nephi 2:1–7). Have the child who portrayed Lehi read 2 Nephi 1:4, and then discuss with the children the result of Lehi’s obedience. Ask: If the Lord protected and blessed Lehi’s family for being obedient, what will the Lord do when your family is obedient? (He will protect and bless your family.) Dramatize the account of Alma praying for his son Alma the Younger (see Mosiah 27:8–37). Talk about how praying for family members can help strengthen our families. Encourage the children to watch for examples of other Book of Mormon prophets they can follow.

  2. The prophet today teaches me how to strengthen my family. Help the children memorize “What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken … ; whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same” (D&C 1:38; see “Memorization,” Teaching, No Greater Call, 171–72). Tell the children you are going to describe one of the Lord’s servants. Have them raise their hands when they recognize who it is: he worked in the printing business; his middle name starts with an S, which stands for Spencer; he is the 16th President of the Church; he is the living prophet on earth today. Show a picture of President Thomas S. Monson. Emphasize that when he speaks, it is as if the Lord is speaking. Write on the board and have the children repeat “President Monson teaches me how to strengthen my family.” Give each class a different quote by President Monson that teaches us how to strengthen our family (see conference issues of the Liahona). Have the children discuss with their teacher things they could do to live that particular teaching. Invite a child in each class to share the teaching. Sing “We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet” (Hymns, no. 19). Bear testimony that when we follow the living prophet, we are following the Lord.