“Revised Gospel Principles Manual Introduced as 2010 Curriculum,” Liahona, Oct. 2009, N6–N7
Revised Gospel Principles Manual Introduced as 2010 Curriculum
Beginning in January 2010, adult members of the Church will spend two years studying the newly revised Gospel Principles manual on the second and third Sundays of each month.
Since 1998 most adult members have studied the Teachings of Presidents of the Church series in their priesthood quorums and Relief Society classes. During that time, millions have joined the Church. A return to studying the fundamental principles and doctrines of the gospel will bless not only those new members but longtime members as well.
The new edition of Gospel Principles is larger, and the design has changed to match the Teachings volumes and to make it easier to read. All of the visuals, one per chapter, are in color.
Instructions for teaching from the manual in class or at home are included in the updated and simplified introduction to Gospel Principles. Additional instructions are found in footnotes throughout the manual.
Questions at the beginning of most sections of the chapters help focus readers on important content in the chapter. Questions at the end of each section prompt members to reflect upon and apply what they have read. Teachers may use the questions to promote class discussion during the lesson.
“The more we reflect on the principles and doctrines, the greater our understanding becomes,” said Elder Kenneth Johnson of the Seventy. “They never grow old, and our understanding of them is increased and enhanced. The truth is not just an intellectual truth, but more of an understanding as the Spirit is present.”
Teachers of the Gospel Principles class for new members, investigators, and members returning to activity will also use the new manual, but there will be less overlap in the lessons than one might think. The Melchizedek Priesthood and Relief Society classes typically will use the manual two weeks a month, and will teach the lessons in sequential order. Teachers preparing for the Gospel Principles class will teach the lessons in the order best suited for the members of their classes. Also, members who attend the Gospel Principles class often do so for a specific period of time, after which they attend the Gospel Doctrine class.
In addition to studying the manual on Sunday, members can use the book in their personal study to better understand core principles and doctrines of the gospel. Parents can use the new introduction, questions, pictures, and notes to help teach their children these doctrines in the home.
In 2012 Church members will resume studying Teachings of Presidents of the Church.
The revised Gospel Principles manual will be studied in Melchizedek Priesthood and Relief Society classes beginning in January 2010.