undefined undefined Family Home Evening Ideas
Family Home Evening Ideas
October 2009

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Liahona, Oct. 2009, 48

Family Home Evening Ideas

These teaching suggestions are provided to give you some ideas. You can tailor them to your family.

“Blessings of the Temple,” p. 12: Show a picture of a temple. Place a family picture across the room from the picture of the temple. As you summarize the article, move the family picture closer to the temple. Ask family members how they feel when the family arrives at the temple. Read Doctrine and Covenants 109:7–23, looking for additional ways to prepare for the temple and the blessings that come through temple attendance. (See also Silvia H. Allred’s talk, “Holy Temples, Sacred Covenants,” from the October 2008 general conference.)

“Me? A Shepherd in Israel?” p. 30: Read the section “Leading Them Back,” and discuss how we can be shepherds to others. As an activity for young children, take turns hiding and searching for each other like a shepherd searching for lost sheep. Think of people you can help bring back “into the fold.” Conclude by praying for guidance on how to help them. (See also Elder Eduardo Gavarret’s talk, “Returning Home,” from the October 2008 general conference.)

“Begin with Prayer,” p. 40: Summarize the main points from the article. Reread the first paragraph of the section “Someone To Talk To.” Ask family members to share times when they were strengthened by family prayer. To emphasize the importance of praying for others, consider reading the last three paragraphs of Elder David A. Bednar’s talk, “Pray Always,” from the October 2008 general conference.

“The Tortilla Miracle,” p. F6: Read the story, and discuss the challenges Raoul’s family faced as they prepared to go to the temple. Consider making tortillas as a family or acting out the steps of making tortillas, from planting the corn to selling the tortillas to the tourists. Conclude by reading Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander’s quote.