undefined undefined Comment
December 2009

“Comment,” Liahona, Dec. 2009, 1


The Fruits of My Labors

I was so pleased to see a group of young men and young women in front of the Roman Forum on page 32 of the September 2008 Liahona. I served a mission in Italy in 1971. While proselytizing in Rome, my companion and I taught two wonderful children, Alberto and Massimo De Feo, who were later baptized. Imagine my delight to see in that article Denise De Feo and to learn that she is the daughter of Massimo, who is now president of the Rome Italy Stake. I also learned that Alberto is a branch president in Canada. I am grateful to the Lord for the experiences of my mission and for being able to see the fruits of His gospel.

Oscar Blanc, Argentina

Joy to My Soul

During times of sadness, I often turn to the Liahona to read the messages from the prophet and the apostles. Their words bring comfort and joy to my soul. Thank you for this magazine! It helps me feel the love of my Heavenly Father and my Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

Maria Elsy Waltero Orjuela, Colombia