“The Salt Lake Temple,” Liahona, Jan. 2010, 60–61
A Visit to Temple Square
The Salt Lake Temple
Come with us this year for a look at important places on Temple Square.
It’s an icy cold day in January. The towers of the Salt Lake Temple have a dusting of new snow. But Kate is more excited than cold. She has traveled to Temple Square from her home in Logan, Utah, for a tour of the Salt Lake Temple grounds.
It’s a sacred place, with many fascinating things to see and learn about.
Some of the temple’s walls are six feet (2 m) thick!
The golden angel Moroni stands on top of the tallest tower. Underneath, carved in the granite, are the words “Holiness to the Lord.”
How long did it take the pioneers to build the temple? Kate found the answer on the brass doorknobs on the temple’s big wooden doors.
The Big Dipper is carved so that it points to the real North Star.
The temple’s granite walls are chiseled with the shapes of the sun, the moon, the earth, clouds, and stars.
Photographs by Craig Dimond, except as noted; opposite page: illustrations by Dilleen Marsh; photograph of Salt Lake Temple baptistry by Welden C. Andersen; center: photograph of temple by Greg Frei; left: photograph of temple construction courtesy of Church History Library; photograph of tools by Lana Leishman