How Can I Be a Better Friend?
March 2010

“How Can I Be a Better Friend?” Liahona, Mar. 2010, 58

How Can I Be a Better Friend?

Want to be a better friend? See what you already know about friendship by responding true or false to the statements below.

I can be a good friend by:

  1. Trying to help others be their best selves.

  2. True

  3. False

  4. Wanting only to have fun and not staying around when things get hard.

  5. True

  6. False

  7. Sharing my standards, my beliefs, and my testimony.

  8. True

  9. False

I can make good friends by:

  1. Respecting others and being kind.

  2. True

  3. False

  4. Always waiting for people to come up and talk to me.

  5. True

  6. False

  7. Sticking to my immediate group of friends and acquaintances.

  8. True

  9. False

  10. Looking for those who may be quiet or shy and befriending them.

  11. True

  12. False

  13. Lowering my standards to match others’ ideas.

  14. True

  15. False

  16. Showing interest in others.

  17. True

  18. False

Top: photo illustration by Christina Smith, © IRI; detail of Joseph and Hyrum Standing by River, by Theodore Gorka, © IRI
