undefined undefined Comment
March 2010

“Comment,” Liahona, Mar. 2010, 78


The Key to Success

Thank you for “Sugar Beets and the Worth of a Soul” (Thomas S. Monson, July 2009, 2). I used that article as my personal study, and it helped me a lot. I know that missionary work can be hard, but it is also fun and rewarding. I love seeing the changes people make when they enter the waters of baptism. This story inspired me to work hard, which is the key to success. The things I have learned in the Liahona will help me be a better missionary.

Elder Ramon Cristopher H. Villaluna, Philippines Naga Mission

A Glimpse of Eternal Happiness

Thanks to the Liahona, I have the courage to remain steadfast in the gospel of Jesus Christ. It strengthens my testimony and helps me with my problems. The teachings found in the magazine help us catch a glimpse of eternal happiness.

Júlia Maria Azevedo, Brazil