undefined undefined Comment
April 2010

“Comment,” Liahona, Apr. 2010, 79


A New Liahona

When I read that starting in January 2010 we would have a new Liahona, I was nostalgic. The magazine has been my anchor in the gospel since I was baptized at age 17. My tender testimony was strengthened as I read the experiences of other members and knew that I was not alone. I treasure the magazines I have collected, for they contain inspired messages that have helped me in times of tribulation and need.

Now you have delivered to us a Liahona that is more mature and more diverse, but just as true as the first one I read in 1992. Thank you from the depths of my heart.

Julia A. Florian, Guatemala

A Source of Spirituality and Strength

The Liahona is a great blessing and a joy to me. It helps me meet members all over the world, learn about their countries and culture, and benefit from their faith. The magazine is a source of much spirituality and strength, and it helps me to be better.

Modesta Giuliani, Italy

A Miracle in Our Ward

In my ward our visiting teaching was scarce and temple attendance was very low. As the visiting teaching leader and a temple worker, I prayed that this could change. I used Elder Richard G. Scott’s conference talk, “Temple Worship: The Source of Strength and Power in Times of Need” (Liahona, May 2009, 43) to speak in both sacrament meeting and in Relief Society. The ward members were touched. Visiting teaching is now almost at 100 percent, and many are attending the temple and putting into practice the steps Elder Scott outlined in his message. A thousand thanks to Elder Scott for his beautiful message and to you for the Liahona.

Ana Meza de Eulogio, Peru

Please send your feedback or suggestions to liahona@ldschurch.org. Submissions may be edited for length or clarity.