undefined undefined Family Home Evening Ideas
Family Home Evening Ideas
June 2010

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Liahona, June 2010, 79

Family Home Evening Ideas

This issue contains articles and activities that could be used for family home evening. The following are a few examples.

“Built upon the Rock,” p. 12: After sharing the article, consider discussing what it means that “this Church is built upon the rock of Christ, upon the principle of immediate and continuous revelation.” Find examples from general conference of continuing revelation.

“Things as They Really Are,” p. 22: Consider reading the article in advance and prayerfully selecting parts that apply to the needs of your family. You may want to use this article for two family home evening lessons.

“Your Mission in Life Is Now,” p. 42: Ask a family member to define intersection. Consider reading the section in the article “A Mission Every Day.” Then ask family members to share an experience where they or others have seen a need and were able to help fill it.

“To Cheat or Not to Cheat,” p. 50: After sharing this story with your family, emphasize the statement, “Choosing not to cheat isn’t difficult because I’ve made that choice already.” Consider discussing the question, How can deciding in advance make it easier to do what is right?

Building a Ship

With deep admiration I have studied the experiences of the prophet Nephi, especially admiring the perseverance and discipline with which he built a ship. I have come to appreciate that there was a wise purpose for the Lord to command him to do so.

When President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008) visited Guatemala in 1997, his counsel that especially penetrated my heart was the simple encouragement to hold family home evening. Moved by our prophet’s words, my wife, four children, and I met and set a goal that we would “build a ship called family home evening.” We knew the effort it would require but also realized that the Lord had a wise purpose for asking us to do so.

Years and hundreds of home evenings later, our family home evening ship has grown with our family. And we have experienced just what President Hinckley promised. From these small gatherings—held regularly and with perseverance—something wonderful has come. Love for parents has grown. Love between brothers and sisters has increased. And our love for Heavenly Father and the Savior has been magnified. Appreciation has come into our hearts for what is simple and good. (See Gordon B. Hinckley, “Some Lessons I Learned as a Boy,” Ensign, May 1993, 54.)

Rony Saúl García Méndez, Guatemala