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Our Page
August 2010

“Our Page,” Liahona, Aug. 2010, 67

Our Page

Alma F., age 11, Costa Rica

Neo C., age 4, Philippines

One Sunday after church, my mother, my brothers, and I were in the car ready to go home. But we could not find the car key. Our dad had put all our bags in the car and walked home with my younger sister in the stroller. We looked everywhere for the key, but we could not find it. In Primary and family home evening, I have learned that we should always pray when we need help. I told my mom that we should pray so Heavenly Father could help us. My mom was very happy, and we prayed together. Suddenly our grandmother drove up and brought us the key. Our dad had accidentally taken the key and sent it back with our grandmother. I know that Heavenly Father helped us by sending our grandmother. He will always help us, even through other people.

Samuel K., age 5, Germany

President Monson asked all the children to help someone who needs it. My mother has seven children, and I help her clean the kitchen every morning, which makes her very happy. I am happy and feel that she is happy too when I help her. I think President Monson would be happy, and so would Jesus, that I am helping my mother and obeying my parents.

Mylena L., age 11, São Paulo, Brazil

I know the Prophet Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon. I love the stories I read about Jesus in the scriptures. I know Jesus loves me and all little children very much. I want to learn more about Jesus in Primary. I am happy to go to church with my family every Sunday. I love my family.

Adrial T., age 5, Malaysia