undefined undefined By Small and Simple Means
By Small and Simple Means
August 2010

“By Small and Simple Means,” Liahona, Aug. 2010, 35

By Small and Simple Means

Elaine S. Dalton

Portrait of Sister Dalton © Busath.com

When I think about my youth experiences, I think of the accumulation of the many small and simple things that strengthened my testimony (see Alma 37:6–7). The ward of my youth was like a large family. When we had a ward dinner, everyone came. Whenever the Relief Society had a bazaar or the Primary had a parade, everyone came. Our ward was our social life.

Thinking back to my first ward road show, I distinctly remember the early-morning practices, the prayers, the talking to others as we waited to perform our parts, and the camaraderie we felt as we painted scenery, practiced, and learned together. These were the times when I watched how the gospel worked in the real lives of real people. I saw how my advisers handled problems, how leaders reacted under pressure, how spouses related to each other, and I made silent decisions about living the principles I was being taught on Sunday. I felt the Spirit as we prayed for miracles, such as remembering our parts or the health of one of the youth.

I don’t remember my lines from that road show, nor do I remember all the other particulars. But I do remember how I felt as we performed and as I looked into the faces of my ward members and saw their approval and felt their love.