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Our Space
September 2010

“Our Space,” Liahona, Sept. 2010, 51

Our Space

Captivated by Preach My Gospel

One day as I was helping clean up around the house, I came across my brother’s copy of Preach My Gospel from his mission. I knew that missionaries used it, but I had never looked at it before. I started reading it and almost couldn’t put it down. (I had to because there was more cleaning to do, but I didn’t want to!)

I had always wondered how missionaries do the things they do. I realized that Preach My Gospel can help me better understand missionary work. It has helped me be better about going up to people and talking to them and sharing the gospel in a better way.

Alissa F. (above), age 19, New Hampshire, USA

After I learned how to scuba dive, I got a digital underwater camera and took a picture of every fish I saw in the ocean. Through this hobby I gained a testimony of the supreme creation of the earth. When people ask what proof there is of God, I think of Moses 6:63, where the Lord says, “All things are created and made to bear record of me, both things which are temporal, and things which are spiritual; things which are in the heavens above, and things which are on the earth, … and things which are under the earth.”

Elder Bates, age 20, Cauayan Philippines Mission

My Favorite Scripture

2 Nephi 2:13

This scripture says that there really is a God. It says that if there were no sin, then there would be no righteousness. There must be opposition. It is a scripture that testifies of God.

Maria H. (below), age 15, Hesse, Germany

Youth Conference

When I went to youth conference one year, I had no idea of the impact it would have on me. We had three days packed full of fun activities, and I was excited to see old friends, meet new ones, and get involved. But my favorite part was the testimony meeting. The Spirit was strong as we bore our testimonies of the gospel, and many of us were moved to tears. For me this beautiful feeling lasted for days after the conference, and I wanted it to stay. I didn’t even watch TV or listen to non-Church music. This experience truly strengthened my testimony of the Church.

The Spirit is the only way for us to know the Church is true. We must do things to allow the Holy Ghost to be with us, like studying the scriptures, praying sincerely every day, and thinking of times when we have felt the Spirit. When we live with the Spirit, we can feel His warmth and know the Church is true. I love the gospel; it has answers and direction. I wish that everyone in the world could know what we know.

Tahnee H., age 20, South Australia

Photograph of flag © Getty Images; other photographs by Melissa Merrill, J. Tyler Bates, and David A. Edwards