“Doctrine and Covenants 76:22–24,” Liahona, Apr. 2011, 49
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Doctrine and Covenants 76:22–24
These verses declare a modern witness of Jesus Christ: He lives!
Many Testimonies
Many testimonies had been given of the resurrected Christ before this revelation. Here are some examples:
Mary Magdalene (see John 20:11–18)
The Apostles of Jesus’s day (see Matthew 28:9–20; Mark 16:14–20; Luke 24:36–53; John 20:19–29; 21)
The two disciples on the road to Emmaus (see Luke 24:13–35)
Stephen (see Acts 7:55–56)
Paul (see Acts 9:1–6)
The Nephites (see 3 Nephi 11–28)
Moroni (see Ether 12:39)
Joseph Smith (see Joseph Smith—History 1:16–20)
He Lives!
“I have read—and I believe—the testimonies of those who experienced the grief of Christ’s Crucifixion and the joy of His Resurrection. I have read—and I believe—the testimonies of those in the New World who were visited by the same risen Lord.
“I believe the testimony of one who, in this dispensation, spoke with the Father and the Son in a grove now called sacred and who gave his life, sealing that testimony with his blood.”
President Thomas S. Monson, “He Is Risen!” Liahona and Ensign, May 2010, 89.
Worlds Are and Were Created
“Under the direction of the Father, Christ was the Lord of the universe, who created worlds without number—of which ours is only one (see Ephesians 3:9; Hebrews 1:2).
“How many planets are there in the universe with people on them? We don’t know, but we are not alone in the universe! God is not the God of only one planet!”
Elder Neal A. Maxwell (1926–2004) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, in “Special Witnesses of Christ,” Liahona, Apr. 2001, 5; Ensign, Apr. 2001, 6.
Begotten Sons and Daughters unto God
“You are no ordinary beings, my beloved young friends all around the world. You are glorious and eternal. …
“It is my prayer and blessing that when you look at your reflection, you will be able to see beyond imperfections and self-doubts and recognize who you truly are: glorious sons and daughters of the Almighty God.”
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, “The Reflection in the Water” (Church Educational System fireside for young adults, Nov. 1, 2009); available at CESfiresides.lds.org.