Family Home Evening Ideas
June 2011

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Liahona, June 2011, 79

Family Home Evening Ideas

This issue contains articles and activities that could be used for family home evening. The following are a few examples.

“The True Path to Happiness,” p. 28: After sharing the article with your family, consider these questions: How do the decisions we make now affect future happiness? How can we be sure we are making righteous decisions?

“The Power of Education,” p. 42: The author of this article was impressed with what President Gordon B. Hinckley said about education: “You need all the education you can get. Sacrifice … anything that is needed to be sacrificed to qualify yourselves to do the work of the world.” As a family, discuss sacrifice and the blessings that come from it.

“Teach a Man to Fish,” p. 54: Read or summarize this article with your family. How did Ezra prepare to face his trials? How did Heavenly Father help him? Discuss what your family can do to prepare.

“Trust in the Lord,” p. 60: Read the article as a family. Consider asking family members to share experiences when their prayers were answered. Talk about the different ways that Heavenly Father can answer prayers and the importance of trusting Him.

My Daughter’s Questions

As bishop of our ward, I encouraged parents to give their children opportunities to teach in family home evening. My wife and I decided to do as I had said.

Our son taught first, and we enjoyed his lesson on prayer. The next Monday was our daughter’s turn. She had been baptized only a few months before. Her topic was God’s creation. She asked a series of questions, which we answered in turn. She then bore her testimony and concluded.

My son exclaimed, “You’ve not taught us yet; you were only asking questions.” But I told my family that I had been moved when my wife, answering one of the questions, said that she is grateful to God for creating family units and giving her a wonderful family with a loving husband. I told them that my heart was full of gratitude when my youngest daughter answered the question “Who created the world?” by exclaiming, “Jesus.” I found many other answers overwhelming in their insightfulness.

So even though my daughter did not “teach” as my son expected, her lesson—and others my children have taught—are my favorite family home evenings.

Richard Ikpegbu, Nigeria
