More Online
July 2011

“More Online,” Liahona, July 2011, 3

More Online


For Adults

The Coila family lives on a floating island on Lake Titicaca. The island is made of reeds; maintaining it is a lesson in diligence (see page 32). See more photos at www.liahona.lds.org.

For Youth

Twelve-year-old Monica Saili is one of the top young swimmers in New Zealand. When her father passed away unexpectedly, she learned that “hard things can make us stronger. You just have to keep swimming” (see page 58). See more photos at www.liahona.lds.org.

For Children

You can find children’s activities at www.liahona.lds.org.

In Your Language

The Liahona and other Church materials are available in many languages at www.languages.lds.org.
