Be a Family Builder
September 2011

“Be a Family Builder,” Liahona, Sept. 2011, 58–59

Be a Family Builder

“I am a builder working each day to build my family” (“My Eternal Family,” 2009 Outline for Sharing Time and Children’s Sacrament Meeting Presentation, 10–11).

Have you ever thought about all of the families you are part of? All of the families described on these pages are important and help you grow. For each family, find two scenes below that show a way you can be a family builder.

Heavenly Father’s Family

You have perfect, immortal heavenly parents who love you perfectly and know everything that goes on in your life. You will always belong to this family, and so will all of Heavenly Father’s other spirit children. This means that every person on earth is your spirit brother or sister.

Your Family

These are the people you know best—mother, father, brothers, and sisters. Heavenly Father put you in a family so you would have people to love you, teach you, and help you grow.

Your Extended Family

Grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles are all part of your extended family. This gives you even more people to love!

Your Future Family

The person you will one day marry and the children you will have will be part of this very important family. Plan to be sealed in the temple and live the gospel in your home so your family can be together forever.

Your Church Family

The members of your ward or branch are like family members who care about and try to help each other. Members of the Church call each other “Brother” and “Sister” because they have been baptized into Jesus Christ’s gospel. All the members of the Church around the world are one great family!

family scenes

Illustration by Adam Koford
