“Our Page,” Liahona, Sept. 2011, 62
Our Page
With Prayer, Fear and Pain Soon Pass
One Sunday a sick cat got into our house. It meowed loudly and strangely, and it would not go out of the house. I was afraid of the cat, so I decided to pray. When I ended my prayer, Mama had been able to get the cat out of the house.
Mama recently had a painful operation. I prayed hard that the operation would go well. When she came home from the hospital, I saw her crying, and she said she was in pain. I asked her if she wanted me to say a prayer, and she said yes. I knelt down and asked Heavenly Father for her pain to pass. When I ended the prayer, my mother was smiling, and she hugged and kissed me.
I know that Heavenly Father is loving and kind, and I know that when I am afraid or in pain, I can pray to Him and the fear and the pain soon pass.
Helaman F., age 5, Brazil