In the News
January 2012

“In the News,” Liahona, Jan. 2012, 78

In the News

Internet Coming to Meetinghouses Worldwide

The Church plans to make high-speed Internet, with optional wireless access, available to 85 percent of meetinghouses worldwide.

Members will be able to access the Church’s employment site and participate in family history work from their meetinghouses; Church leaders will be able to manage records, submit missionary applications, and participate in leadership training broadcasts; and teachers will be able to use online Church-produced media to supplement their lessons.

Church Offers Aid in East Africa Famine

With more than 11.5 million people in Eastern Africa in urgent need of assistance amid severe drought conditions, the Church is working with various organizations to offer famine relief in the form of food, medicine, sanitation supplies, and shelter.

Members wishing to help with the effort can donate to the humanitarian fund.

New Missionary In-field Training Extends MTC Experience

An effort started in August 2011 is bringing an additional 12 weeks of training to missionaries who have just left the missionary training center.

Richard Heaton, director of the Provo MTC, explained that the in-field training is not a new program, but rather an extension of the training missionaries receive in the MTC.

“The First 12 Weeks manual points trainers and their new missionary companions to the resources in Preach My Gospel that they most need in their first 12 weeks,” he said. “It’s a road map to how to … become fully functional as servants of the Lord as rapidly as possible.”

Mission presidents began implementing the in-field training materials for new missionaries—which include three training documents and new companion study video segments—almost immediately.
