Be a Shining Example
January 2012

“Be a Shining Example,” Liahona, Jan. 2012, 53

Be a Shining Example

Young men of the Church—deacons, teachers, and priests of the magnificent Aaronic Priesthood—you have taken upon you the name of the Savior; you bear His holy priesthood; you have been called to do His work and to bless all who know you. Now is the time for you to fulfill your priesthood duties and “shine forth” as a “standard for the nations” (D&C 115:5).

Now is the time to “let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). Jesus Christ is the perfect example. Strive to know Him, follow Him, and become more like Him by obeying His commandments and keeping the standards of the Church as described in For the Strength of Youth. As you do, you will be a shining force of spiritual strength to those around you.

The Lord said, “Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord” (D&C 133:5). Your moral cleanliness will allow you to shine forth with a special light to your ward or branch members as you worthily represent the Savior in administering the sacred sacrament to them each Sunday.

Watch for and seize opportunities every day to serve your family, friends, quorum members, and others. You will become a joyful example of light to them and to those who quietly observe you.

Shine forth with sincere friendship and kindness to all. Share the wonderful blessings of Church activities and gospel teachings with your friends. Be courageous and invite them to come unto the Light and Life of the World—even Jesus Christ.

We love you. We pray for you. We bear testimony that the Lord loves you and needs you to help build His kingdom. Now is the time for you to “arise and shine forth” as a holder of His holy priesthood. As you magnify this priesthood and fulfill your duty to God, your light will become “a standard for the nations.”
