undefined undefined A Prayer to Heavenly Father
A Prayer to Heavenly Father
February 2012

“A Prayer to Heavenly Father,” Liahona, Feb. 2012, 70–71

A Prayer to Heavenly Father

“Pray in your families unto the Father, always in my name” (3 Nephi 18:21).

  1. Haruki, it is time for bed. Did you say your prayer yet?

    No, not yet.

  2. We will kneel with you.

  3. Haruki knelt down and started to pray.

    Thank Thee for my family, my house, my friends, and my toys. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

  4. Haruki, that was a good prayer, but you forgot to start by saying, “Heavenly Father.”

    Why do I have to say that?

  5. When we pray, we are talking to Heavenly Father. He loves us.

    When we pray to Him, we can thank Him for everything He gives us. We can also ask Him for things we need.

  6. Heavenly Father loves me?

    Yes, He does. How does that make you feel?

  7. I want to say my prayer again!

  8. Heavenly Father, thank Thee …

Illustrations by Elise Black