More Online
February 2012

“More Online,” Liahona, Feb. 2012, 3

More Online


For Adults

See page 32 for an article that provides several suggestions for teaching children with cognitive disabilities. The Church website lds.org/disability explains different types of disabilities and how to help those of all ages with disabilities.

Read about the faithful members of Ecuador’s Orellana Branch (see page 26) and see more photos of them at liahona.lds.org.

For Youth

Like the guardrails that keep people from being hit by waves, standards keep us safe, says Saane, a young woman from Tonga (see page 56). See more photos of her and the beautiful but dangerous blowholes at Mapu ‘a Vaea at liahona.lds.org.

For Children

Meet Tine from Kenya on page 68. See more photos of her and the wildlife in her country at liahona.lds.org.

In Your Language

The Liahona and other Church materials are available in many languages at languages.lds.org.
