Conference Story Index
May 2012

“Conference Story Index,” Liahona, May 2012, 132

Conference Story Index

The following list of selected experiences from general conference addresses can be used in personal study, family home evening, and other teaching. The number refers to the first page of the talk.



President Boyd K. Packer

(6) Missionaries give a message of hope to grieving parents.

(6) Boyd K. Packer is raised by faithful parents, even though his father is less active in the Church.

Cheryl A. Esplin

(10) Cheryl A. Esplin’s granddaughter prays for her brother to be kind.

Elder Donald L. Hallstrom

(13) Young Donald L. Hallstrom listens to President David O. McKay in the Honolulu Tabernacle.

Elder Paul E. Koelliker

(16) Rejected missionaries encourage each other, which touches a man’s heart.

Elder Dallin H. Oaks

(19) President Gordon B. Hinckley asks a new member if he is willing to sacrifice so much for the gospel.

(19) The 16-year-old brother of a Brazilian missionary works to support his family.

Elder David A. Bednar

(48) David A. Bednar’s father asks why priesthood holders don’t do their home teaching.

Bishop Richard C. Edgley

(52) Richard C. Edgley, as a member of a stake presidency, calls a less-active woman to be a stake missionary.

(52) Rescuers pray for the World War II prisoners they will go save.

Adrián Ochoa

(55) A young priest in South Africa encourages another priest to come back to church.

(55) A young priest in Chile is able to baptize his friend.

President Thomas S. Monson

(66) A marine gives his wounded companion a blessing in World War II.

(66) As a bishop, Thomas S. Monson writes personal letters each month to servicemen.

(90) After learning of health problems, a woman decides to change her life.

(90) The death of an unbeliever’s wife changes his skepticism.

Elder L. Tom Perry

(94) A member of the Church shares the gospel with his seatmate on an airplane.

Elder O. Vincent Haleck

(101) O. Vincent Haleck’s parents fast and pray for their children.

Elder Larry Y. Wilson

(103) Larry Y. Wilson’s daughter feels bad about playing soccer on Sunday.

Elder David F. Evans

(106) A young man joins the Church after seeing the example of his friends and roommate.

Elder Neil L. Andersen

(111) President Thomas S. Monson saves a balloon for three years to give back to a young cancer survivor.

(111) The three children in the Saintelus family are rescued after the Haiti earthquake.

Ann M. Dibb

(117) A young woman encourages a classmate to stop swearing.

(117) A young woman keeps the Word of Wisdom despite pressure.

Elaine S. Dalton

(123) Florence Chadwick finishes her swim despite thick fog.

President Thomas S. Monson

(126) A father is converted to the gospel after attending seminary with his daughter.

(126) A young woman overcomes temptation by attending Mutual.
