undefined undefined Summary for the 182nd Annual General Conference
Summary for the 182nd Annual General Conference
May 2012

“Summary for the 182nd Annual General Conference,” Liahona, May 2012, 2–3

Summary for the 182nd Annual General Conference

Saturday Morning, March 31, 2012, General Session

Presiding: President Thomas S. Monson. Conducting: President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. Invocation: Elder John B. Dickson. Benediction: Elder Wilford W. Andersen. Music by the Tabernacle Choir; Mack Wilberg and Ryan Murphy, directors; Andrew Unsworth and Clay Christiansen, organists: “High on the Mountain Top,” Hymns, no. 5; “Praise the Lord with Heart and Voice,” Hymns, no. 73; “You Can Make the Pathway Bright,” Hymns, no. 228, arr. Wilberg, unpublished; “How Firm a Foundation,” Hymns, no. 85; “Love Is Spoken Here,” Children’s Songbook, 190–91, arr. Cardon, unpublished; “Redeemer of Israel,” Hymns, no. 6, arr. Wilberg, pub. Hinshaw.

Saturday Afternoon, March 31, 2012, General Session

Presiding: President Thomas S. Monson. Conducting: President Henry B. Eyring. Invocation: Elder William R. Walker. Benediction: Elder Bruce A. Carlson. Music by a combined choir from the Provo Missionary Training Center; Douglas Brenchley and Ryan Eggett, directors; Bonnie Goodliffe, organist: “Glory to God on High,” Hymns, no. 67, arr. Manookin, pub. Jackman; “Lead, Kindly Light,” Hymns, no. 97, arr. Wilberg, pub. Jackman; “Called to Serve,” Hymns, no. 249; “Praise to the Man,” Hymns, no. 27, arr. Wilberg, pub. Jackman.

Saturday Evening, March 31, 2012, Priesthood Session

Presiding: President Thomas S. Monson. Conducting: President Henry B. Eyring. Invocation: Elder Yoon Hwan Choi. Benediction: Elder Larry R. Lawrence. Music by a priesthood choir from the Salt Lake university institutes; Hal W. Romrell, Craig Allen, and Dennis Nordfelt, directors; Richard Elliott, organist: “Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me,” Hymns, no. 104, arr. Longhurst, pub. Jackman; “Carry On,” Hymns, no. 255, arr. Durham, pub. Jackman; “Ye Elders of Israel,” Hymns, no. 319; “Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd,” Hymns, no. 221, arr. Beebe, pub. Larice.

Sunday Morning, April 1, 2012, General Session

Presiding: President Thomas S. Monson. Conducting: President Henry B. Eyring. Invocation: Elder Brent H. Nielson. Benediction: Elder Per G. Malm. Music by the Tabernacle Choir; Mack Wilberg, director; Clay Christiansen and Richard Elliott, organists: “Come, Ye Children of the Lord,” Hymns, no. 58; “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty,” Hymns, no. 72, arr. Wilberg, pub. Oxford; “Teach Me to Walk in the Light,” Hymns, no. 304, arr. Wilberg, unpublished; “Rejoice, the Lord Is King!” Hymns, no. 66; “Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words,” Hymns, no. 232, arr. Wilberg, unpublished; “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” Hymns (1948), no. 70, arr. Wilberg, pub. Oxford.

Sunday Afternoon, April 1, 2012, General Session

Presiding: President Thomas S. Monson. Conducting: President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. Invocation: Elder W. Craig Zwick. Benediction: Elder Jairo Mazzagardi. Music by the Tabernacle Choir; Mack Wilberg and Ryan Murphy, directors; Linda Margetts and Bonnie Goodliffe, organists: “On This Day of Joy and Gladness,” Hymns, no. 64, arr. Murphy, unpublished; “Come unto Jesus,” Hymns, no. 117, arr. Murphy, unpublished; “Hope of Israel,” Hymns, no. 259; “I Need Thee Every Hour,” Hymns, no. 98, arr. Wilberg, unpublished.

Saturday Evening, March 24, 2012, General Young Women Meeting

Presiding: President Thomas S. Monson. Conducting: Elaine S. Dalton. Invocation: Abigail Pinegar. Benediction: Katee Elizabeth Garff. Music by a Young Women choir from stakes in American Fork, Utah; Merrilee Webb, director; Bonnie Goodliffe, organist: “Come, Ye Children of the Lord,” Hymns, no. 58, arr. Wilberg, pub. Jackman; “As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days,” Hymns, no. 256, arr. Kasen, pub. Jackman; “I Feel My Savior’s Love,” Children’s Songbook, 74–75, “Beautiful Savior,” Children’s Songbook, 62–63, medley arr. Webb, unpublished (cello: Daphne O’Rullian); “High on the Mountain Top,” Hymns, no. 5.

Conference Talks Available

To access general conference talks in many languages, visit conference.lds.org. Then select a language. Generally within two months following conference, audio recordings are available at distribution centers.

Home and Visiting Teaching Messages

For home and visiting teaching messages, please select an address that best meets the needs of those you visit.

On the Cover

Front: Photograph by Derek Israelsen. Back: Photograph by Cody Bell.

Conference Photography

Scenes of general conference in Salt Lake City were taken by Craig Dimond, Welden C. Andersen, John Luke, Matthew Reier, Christina Smith, Cody Bell, Les Nilsson, Weston Colton, Sarah Jensen, Derek Israelsen, Scott Davis, Kristy Jordan, and Randy Collier; in Albania by Rebekah Atkin; in Argentina by Mariano Gabriel Castillo; in Brazil by Laureni Fochetto and Sandra Rozados; in England by John Krebs; in France by Sebastien Mongas; in Guam by Susan Anderson; in Guatemala by Jordan Francis; in Idaho, USA, by Luke Phillips; in India by Margaret Elliott; in Minnesota, USA, by Rhonda Harris; and in Russia by Andrey Semenov.